
On this page you can trace the history of Sypex Dumper, and also get information about changes in new versions.

Version 2.4 [2024.03.01]

  • Added support for PHP 8.3+.
  • Support for new MySQL 8 data types
  • Small minor edits.

Version 2.3.1 [2020.02.19]

  • Fixed work with BZip2.

Version 2.3 [2020.01.16]

  • Added support for PHP 7.3 and 7.4.
  • Added support for MySQL 8.
  • Small minor edits.

Version 2.2 [2018.09.18]

  • Fixed bug with Gzip files in some versions of PHP.
  • Small minor edits.

Version 2.1 [2018.03.01]

  • Code update to support PHP 7+ (tested on versions 7.0, 7.1, 7.2).
  • Code optimization to increase the speed of work.
  • Small minor edits.

Version 2.0.11 [2013.08.28]

  • (PRO) Instead of encoders now uses obfuscation code.
  • (PRO) Fixed error when restoring of selected objects from a backup.
  • Error displaying a log file.
  • Some minor code changes.

Version 2.0.10 [2012.11.14]

  • Added support for PHP 5.4.
  • Fixed handling of tables in which the columns use a different character set.
  • Improving safety.
  • Some minor code changes.

Version 2.0.8 [2010.12.09]

  • Final release.

Version 2.0.7 [2010.11.05]

  • Added a support for "foreight" dumps.
  • Reduced the number of DOM-elements in the tree of database objects.
  • Saved tasks by default called database name, instead of "new".
  • When you save the connection settings, do not need to enter password again.
  • Fixed bugs related to the lack of rights to certain database objects.
  • Fixed a bug when a backup for MySQL before 4.1.

Version 2.0.6 [2010.02.23]

  • In additional recovery strategies are added the names of fields (allows you to import the changed tables).
  • Added button to download the file after the export.
  • In saved jobs file name includes the name of the job, not the name of the database.
  • If use additional strategies and table does not exists, then it is created.
  • Delete views, procedures, functions, triggers, events, if exists.
  • Made exit with JS (to get out of frames).
  • Fixed infinite loop when TRUNCATE + INSERT and there is no table.
  • Failed to enable indexes, if there are no data in tables.
  • Fixed import of views and triggers in MySQL 5.0
  • Fixed infinite loop interface if error.
  • Improved handling of errors.

Version 2.0.5 [2009.12.15]

  • Work from the console or cron. Read more in the Documentation
  • Fix recovery in cases where the first entry in the table more than 64 KB.
  • Fix for problems importing with timeout, as well as the management of import process.
  • Fix triggers export/import for MySQL 5.0.

Version 2.0.4 [2009.11.24]

  • Export freeze on PHP 4.
  • Looping with backup with timeouts.
  • Fixed curtailing the toolbar buttons in IE.
  • Changed the name of the file on get.php load.php, because at some hosting ModSecurity blocked it (because of what it does not load css, js and images)
  • Fixed reset the timer, the resumption of the script.
  • In some cases, an error occurred when deleting temporary files.

Sypex Dumper

Sypex Geo


New version of Sypex Dumper Pro 2.4 has been released




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