
Information about the difference between free Sypex Dumper and commercial Sypex Dumper Pro version Sypex Dumper Pro can be read on page Editions.

Information for buyers of licenses

The domain name must be entered without the "http://", no "www." and without a slash "/" at the end. Address of the site depends on the domain. That is, If your site is located at: "", then the form must enter the address: "". Exceptions make subdomains "www.", in this case it is necessary to enter only the basic domain of a site.

The key will work on the target domain, as with "www." prefix, and without it, as well as on the local server, ie, domain name does not contain any dots. Be sure to fill in the domain of your site! Claims of improper filling, error, misprint, "confused", etc. considered at the discretion of the administration.


  • The license shall be issued for an unlimited period of one domain, and can not be changed! If in future you wish to change the domain, you will need to purchase a new license.
  • One php-file is encoded by Zend Technologies, ionCube or Nu-Coder (your choice).
  • In case of change verification system of licenses, update the license is free.
  • The license does not include any changes to source code Sypex Dumper Pro (or re-design, or adding new features).
  • The license file you can download immediately after activating the license for your domain (without administrator).
  • Subdomains and aliases (mirrors) domains are perceived as normal domains and are paid in full.

How to Buy

To purchase Sypex Dumper Pro automatically, without the participation of site managers, you have to to pass some steps:

  1. Sign in at the official site Sypex Dumper Pro;
  2. Purchase a license (or more licenses) in a preferred payment method (transfer of means in all supported payment systems occurs instantly);
  3. Activate a license for your domain.
  4. Download and install the latest version Sypex Dumper Pro from your personal account.
  5. Copy the license file in the directory with the script.

The license is a activation key located in the PHP-file, which can be downloaded immediately after the license activation (activation is automatic).

If this described method is not clear for you, or you need some more information, please contact us by any way convenient for you as specified in Contacts, or Support for registered users.


The basic license price - $10 USD, the cost of the license depends on the number of licenses purchased at one time. Savings discounts are not provided.

Qty 1 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20+
Price $10.00 $8.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00

We accept

  1. VISA;
  2. MasterCard;
  3. LiqPAY

Payment by VISA, MasterCard and LiqPAY is provided by LiqPAY which is the maximum safety of payments (payments prove by the disposable password received on SMS).

At work in a private account all the data is transmitted via a secure protocol SSL, ie the security of your information is guaranteed.

Sypex Dumper

Sypex Geo


New version of Sypex Dumper Pro 2.4 has been released




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