Sypex Dumper 2
- Unzip it and upload the contents of the directory to the server.
- Set chmod 777 for ‘backup’ directory.
- Set chmod 666 for files ‘cfg.php’ and ‘ses.php’.
- Open an URL in browser.
- Enter the username and password for your database.
Please report problems and bugs to the forum, indicating your versions of browser, php and mysql.
Starting from the console/cron.
Sypex Dumper starting from version 2.0.5 supports the work from the command line (console/cron).
The following arguments:
- -h=localhost - MySQL-host
- -o=3306 - port
- -u=root - username
- -p=password - password
- -j=my_job - name of the saved job
Only argument -j with the name of the saved job required, all the rest must be specified in the event that they differ from the data stored in the config file.
in unix systems:
/usr/local/bin/php /absolute_path_to_dumper/index.php -j=my_job
in windows:
z:\php5.2\php.exe absolute_path_to_dumper\index.php -j=my_job
Path to php interpreter may vary.
Dumper can run from the command line to perform jobs as exports and imports (for example, if you need to reset every day database of demo-site).
How to integrate dumper in the third-party products.